DNA characterization

DNA characterization to assist biological control

The use of molecular identification to complement morphology is now a well-anchored public laboratories’ routine. In biocontrol, the benefits of molecular characterization tools have been repeatedly promoted. Molecular tools are undoubtedly more and more used but the survey of scientific literature reveals that (i) only a small part of the biocontrol community worldwide actually uses these tools, and (ii) when compared to other types of organisms, the number of DNA barcodes and taxonomic issues solved through DNA characterisation in “pest – natural enemy’ interactions” is still limited.

Here Colbics proposes to transfer competences to the enterprises, by training their staff, and by using molecular methods to support the key tasks to be performed by the biocontrol industry. In this project, the enterprises have chosen a set of pests and associated natural enemies, on which they want to work for the development of new biocontrol products. Each firm will define a list of needs based on their main priorities as well as their purposes (genetic quality control, field diagnostics). The main criteria taken into account to design the tools will be their accuracy but also on their robustness and their cost.

Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
ADN Extraction
DNA Sequences
DNA Sequences

Modification date: 19 June 2023 | Publication date: 05 August 2013 | By: T.Malausa